Security Key Card Violations
Security Key Card Violations
As they apply to the Clubhouse Pool, Tennis Court, & Gym Room
Any member or resident that violates any rules for the Pool, Exercise Room/Gym Room, and/or Tennis Court will be subject to the following violations:
1. First violation – SECURITY KEY CARD will be deactivated for a period of 2 weeks.
2. Second violation – SECURITY KEY CARD will be deactivated for a period of 4 weeks.
3. Third violation - SECURITY KEY CARD will be deactivated for a period determined appropriate by the Board of Directors (no less than 8 weeks)
The above actions for violations of Security Cards usage will be enforced by the Citrus Springs Master Homeowner Board’s discretion. Such actions will be based on observations, reports from homeowners/residents, and/or activity logs of the Security System, etc.